Scar Treatment Salt Lake City: Achieve Ideal Outcome with Dr. Yates

In most surgical procedures, surgical scar is a real thing and oftentimes a necessary tradeoff to achieving your desired aesthetic condition. But due to advances in medical technology and healing science, you now have substantial options to lessen, if not completely do away with, scars after the operation.

Thus, a truly great plastic surgeon should not just be effective in attaining
cosmetic goals, but must also be helpful in minimizing your surgical scar. After all, you would like to improve your physical aesthetics and scar is an unwelcome nuisance.

Salt Lake City Plastic Surgeon Dr. York Yates wholeheartedly understands the importance of lessening the visibility of scars after a successful surgery operation. As a breast and body surgery expert, Dr. Yates performs procedures ranging from areola reduction to buttock augmentation.

Upon determining the suitable surgery, he will discuss with you regarding ways and options to reduce the extent of scar. You shall be exposed to new technologies and techniques that can lead to a much better healing of scars.

Before and During Surgery

During consultation, evaluation and pre-op stages, the crucial action is to choose a procedure that can provide your desired outcome and at the same time give you less scarring. In short, choose your surgery wisely. In most instances, there are minimally invasive treatments and techniques to choose from, such as the use of laser light technology and scarless breast reduction. Ask for full clarifications from the Salt Lake City Plastic Surgeon regarding these less invasive options.

Corollary to choosing procedure wisely is the fact that Dr. Yates would put premium as well to the factors of genetics and surgery location. Sometimes these two factors are uncontrollable, but there are certain areas to them that can be tweaked to work to your advantage in minimizing scars.

For example, individuals with darker skin and younger people heal with less favorable scars – so the incisions must be highly precise  and well-hidden for these people. Furthermore, some areas of the body are prone to poor scarring such as the sternal area, knees, shoulders and back. Luckily for you, Dr. Yates has impressive skills in placing incisions away, as much as possible, from the obvious portions of your body and breast.

After Surgery

Utilizing a comprehensive approach, Dr. Yates shall work with you in reducing surgical scar way after the surgery is finished: that is, until the complete surgical healing. As a matter of fact, the experienced plastic surgeon believes that post-operative care is essential to preventing bad scars and as well as treating bad scars.

Dr. Yates’ scar treatment Salt Lake City is a combination of sunscreen, neosporin (applied for the first two days if the wound is uncovered), surgical tape, mederma or scarguard (once the dressings have been removed), and other necessary tools. He will design your scar treatment plan based on your surgical procedure, technique used, skin condition and other properties of your particular skin tone. At any rate, the board-certified plastic surgeon to remain observant after the performance of surgery, specifically in taking note of color and shape development of your surgical scar.

For additional information on minimal scar surgeries in Utah, please contact Dr. Yates today by calling our office (801) 525-8741 or by contacting us through our website.

blog post courtesy of e6 interactive

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