Patient 43553
Case ID: 43553
40 year old female who improved abdomen definition with EMsculpt.
Patient 43553Case ID: 43553
40 year old female who improved abdomen definition with EMsculpt.
Patient 43553Case ID: 27373
Age: 37 Height: 6’1 Weight: 240 Procedure: Description: 3 months after CoolSculpting of the abdomen and upper hips. The patient is at a stable weight and has a very nice CoolSculpting result without surgery.
Patient # 27373Case ID: 25432
Age: Height: Weight: Procedure: Description: After 4th Emsculpt treatment
Patient # 25432Case ID: 80105
Age: Height: Weight: Procedure: Description: After 4th Emsculpt Treatment
Patient # 80105Case ID: 33146
Age: Height: Weight: Procedure: Description: After 4th Emsculpt treatment.
Patient # 33146Case ID: 15313
Age: Height: Weight: Procedure: Description: 8 weeks after 4th treatment
Patient # 15313Case ID: 75431
Age: Height: Weight: Procedure: Description: After 4th Emsculpt treatment
Patient # 75431Case ID: 97775
Age: 35Height: Weight: Procedure: Description: 35 yo before and 3 months after coolsculpting to the abdomen and inner thighs.
Patient # 97775Case ID: 99139
Age: Height: Weight: Procedure: CoolsculptingDescription: before and after coolsculpting of the lower abdomen and upper hips
Patient # 99139Case ID: 60988
Age: Height: Weight: Procedure: Description: before and after coolsculpting of the lower abdomen and upper hips
Patient # 60988