LIPOSUCTION FINANCING Cost & Financing in Utah

The cost of liposuction in Utah is generally less than in many areas in the country. Utah has a reputation for excellent plastic surgery at affordable prices.

The cost of liposuction listed is all-inclusive, including:

  • Anesthesia fees – We most commonly prefer total IV anesthesia (TIVA)
  • Facility fees (AAAASF certified in-office operating room)
  • Surgeons fees (fees listed are bilateral where applicable)
  • All pre and post-operative care, including surgeons fees for any revision surgery, deemed necessary
  • Discounts are given to additional liposuction areas.
  • VASER liposuction as necessary
Second area $4500
Third area $3500
Fourth area $3000
Liposuction abdomen $7500
Liposuction bilateral upper hips (one area total) $7500
Liposuction bilateral outer thighs $7500
Liposuction bilateral inner thighs $7500
360 liposuction (abdomen, upper hips +/- back) $12,000 - $15,000
Liposuction circumferential thighs (2-3 areas) $12,000 – $15,000
Liposuction mons (pubic area) $4000
Liposuction inner knee $4000
Liposuction calves (two areas) $12,000
Liposuction arms one to two areas depending on extent $7,500 - $12,000
Liposuction upper back $7500
Liposuction chin/ neck $7500
Buttock or Breast fat grafting $5000 in addition to liposuction fees

For a cost of other procedures click here

We would be honored to have you as our next breast augmentation patient. To schedule a consultation, call the office at 801.525.8741 or if you would prefer an online visit fill out a virtual consultation form. Dr. Yates will respond in a timely fashion to your inquiry.

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