What is “Scarless Breast Reduction”?
“Scarless breast reduction” is breast reduction with liposuction alone without any direct excision of tissue.
How is Breast Reduction with performed?
Scarless breast reduction is simply liposuction of the breast. Small cannulas are placed through small, well-hidden incisions under the breast fold for liposuction of the breast. This is a great operation with all of the benefits of more traditional types of breast reduction without the scars. There are significantly decreased risks such as nipple numbness, inability to breastfeed, and poor scarring. Recovery and pain are also significantly less.
Who is a good candidate for “Scarless Breast Reduction”?
There are limits to how much tissue can be removed by liposuction. The dense breast tissue is not easily removed without direct excision. The majority of the tissue that is reduced is fatty tissue. There is additionally a limited amount of “lift” that occurs with liposuction alone. For these reasons the best candidates are young women with excellent breast shape and support but not too dense. The breast liposuction before and after photo on this page is an example of a great candidate.
How is the Scarless Breast Reduction Procedure Different from Traditional Breast Reduction?
Traditional breast reduction surgery usually involves an incision around each areola, a long vertical incision from the areolas down the center of each breast, ending at the inframammary crease, and a horizontal incision line toward each side. This classic technique is often referred to as an anchor incision. Though effective, the traditional breast reduction approach may not be necessary for every situation. The scarless breast reduction is primarily different in that it does not require any of the incisions made during the traditional procedure. The scarless technique focuses only on the removal of fatty tissue through incisions measuring approximately 3 mm in length. This is another difference, the focus on fat only. A traditional breast reduction may also excise some of the glandular tissue that is adding volume and heaviness to the breasts. Being a liposuction procedure rather than a more complicated excisional procedure, the scarless breast reduction tends to heal more quickly and with fewer side effects than the standard breast reduction. The technique has limitations and is often not ideal for very large breasts as much of the glandular tissue will not reduce with liposuciton. Also, the skin requires great skin support and a good breast shape to begin with. Most patients with larger breasts also feel their breasts sag beyond their ideal. Skin is only reshaped with a standard breast reduction.
How Can I Prepare for a Scarless Breast Reduction?
To some degree, surgical success depends on what occurs beforehand. To make your experience as safe as possible and your recovery as easy as possible, our team may suggest that you avoid certain products and substances before your procedure. Primarily, if you smoke, you will be instructed to avoid all use of tobacco and nicotine before having surgery. Smoking inhibits adequate circulation and can impair the body's ability to heal properly. The scarless breast lift is a relatively low-risk procedure. However, you should avoid the use of products that can increase the chances of bleeding and excessive bruising. Examples include vitamin E supplements, aspirin, and ibuprofen. To improve your recovery rate, you may want to take a supplement such as Bromelain or Arnica starting a few days before your surgery.
Preparing well for surgery also means preparing for recovery. Before your surgery date, pick up all prescriptions the office has called in for you. Arrange for a loved one to bring you to the surgery center and see you home. Ideally, we like our patients to have someone with them for the first 24 hours after the scarless breast reduction. Finally, the home should be a comfortable, soothing place in which you can recover without the stress of pending projects or pressing obligations like cooking, housework, and family duties. Proper planning beforehand can ensure that your recovery time goes smoothly.
What is the Recovery and Aftercare for the Procedure?
The scarless breast reduction is an outpatient procedure. You can expect to be discharged from the surgical facility within an hour or two of your liposuction surgery. At home, it is necessary to carefully follow the post-operative care instructions provided by the office. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact us. Your post-op guidelines will detail how to care for your very short incisions and how to support your breasts as the tissue heals. It is usually acceptable to resume showering a few days after surgery. You should wear a surgical bra or sports bra for four to six weeks after surgery as swelling continues to subside. You may resume exercise and other activities gradually over several weeks. Initially, you can walk short distances after your scarless breast reduction but must avoid strenuous activities that increase your heart rate more significantly. We expect most patients to be able to resume their full range of activities by six-weeks post-surgery.
How Long Will the Results of My Scarless Breast Reduction Last?
Breast reduction procedures are intended for permanent results. The fatty tissue is removed for good. That said, remaining fat cells can swell due to weight gain and pregnancy. Hormonal fluctuations, primarily a marked increase in estrogen, may cause the breast tissue to enlarge to some degree. Generally, breast reduction achieves results that endure for many years provided that the patient maintains a relatively stable weight.
How do I schedule a consultation or schedule surgery?
Contact Dr. Yates office or feel free to email him any additional questions you may have.