Shape It Up: How to Choose Between Round or Teardrop Shaped Implants

Breast Augmentation Salt Lake City & Layton, UtahBreast implants give patients the confidence they need to stand a little taller and even slip into something a bit sexier than they ever thought possible. During your initial consultation with Dr. York Yates, we will go on the type of implant you want— gummy bear, saline, or silicone— along with the placement, and the shape of the implant. To help you make a more informed decision, we have created a brief guide discussing how you can choose between round or teardrop shaped implants. Read on to learn more.

Round Implants

When you traditionally think of a breast implant, you are likely thinking of a round shaped one. As the consistently most popular shape of the implant, round implants are what you see most celebrities, models, and fashion bloggers sporting in magazines, catalogs, or on the internet. By giving you a symmetrical look, both silicone and saline round implants can give you a proportionate look.

Additionally, a lot of our patients like round implants because of the smooth texture of the casing. Although that may not sound like a big deal at first, the smoother your implant is, the more natural it will look.

Teardrop Implants

It used to be that round was the only option you had in the implant department. However, teardrop implants have started to gain popularity because of their more natural shape and their availability in different sizes. Because there isn’t a one-size-fits-all with teardrop implants, they can be catered to your body size and type— ensuring that you look more natural.

With two different shapes of implants, you can get breasts that are catered to your desires and body type. To learn more about your breast implant options or to schedule a consultation, contact Dr. York Yates today!

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