How to Tell If You Need To Have Your Breast Implants Redone

Breast Implant Revision Salt Lake City & Layton, UTOne of the biggest deciding factors that patients have to make when getting a breast augmentation is the type of implant to go with. Her at our office, we offer patients two main types of breast implants including saline and silicone. One of the things that patients like the most about saline implants is that if they leak or rupture, it’s really easy to detect whereas it’s a lot harder with silicone implants. Depending on the exact type of silicone implant you have, you may be encouraged to get an MRI done every couple of years to check for any ruptures or leaks. But other than getting this type of imaging done on your breasts, what are some other ways that you can tell if you need to have your breast implants redone? Read on.


Breasts (whether they are artificial or natural) tend to sag with time; especially if you have breastfed. If you have noticed that your breast implants are hanging a lot lower than they used to, then it may be time to consider getting them redone in conjunction with a breast lift.


Round breast implants are symmetrical all around so if they rotate, you won’t be able to tell. However, when tear drop shaped breast implants rotate, you will notice that your breasts are a little bit uneven.

It used to be that breast implants only lasted an average of ten years, but more and more patients are seeing their breast implants lasting a lot longer than that. Depending on your body, the type of implants that you get, and your lifestyle; your breast implants may last a lot longer than they once did.

Are you ready to learn more about breast implant revision surgery? Contact Dr. Yates at our Layton office and call us today at  (801) 525-8741.

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