Enhance Your Assets: Get a Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt LiftDo you look in the mirror and wish that you had a tighter and fuller buttocks? Have you always been self conscious about your buttocks and wanted to get it changed? Maybe you’re not reaching to be someone like Kim Kardashian, but you may just want to have a more womanly figure to show off. If you have considered getting some sort of buttocks augmentation surgery, consider getting a Brazilian Butt Lift from York Yates. Read on to learn more.

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

A Brazilian Butt Lift is a surgical procedure that involves removing fat via liposuction from one part of your body— primarily your abdomen and upper thighs— and then redistributing it into your buttocks in order to help shape it and give it more volume. During the removal of the fat via liposuction, the fat cells themselves will be removed in a way that won’t cause damage to them so that Dr. York Yates can get you the best results with the most fat possible.

Is a Brazilian Butt Lift Effective?

Brazilian Butt Lifts are a very effective way to enhance your greatest asset: your buttocks.  Not only will you see a firmer and more poignant looking buttocks, but it will have an even shape and tone to it as well.

What is recovery like from a Brazilian Butt Lift?

As one of the most crucial steps of the entire surgical process, recovery from a Brazilian Butt Lift will help you to get the best results possible.  During the recovery period, you will be required to:

  • Refrain from sitting directly on your buttocks for a few weeks following surgery
  • Avoid driving for a few weeks following surgery
  • Wear compression garments for the first few weeks

If you are interested in looking more into getting a Brazilian Butt Lift or if you would like to schedule an appointment, contact Dr. York Yates’ office today!

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