Gummy bear implants

What is the difference between a round or tear-drop shaped breast implant

Tear drop or shaped silicone breast implants have been used outside the U.S. for years and have recently been FDA approved for use in the U.S. for breast augmentation.   The currently FDA approved shaped implants are manufactured by Sientra, the newest player in the U.S. implant market.  The gummy bear implants are more cohesive than […]

What is the difference between a round or tear-drop shaped breast implant Read More »

What are Gummy Bear Breast Implants?

Gummy bear implants are the newest generation of silicone breast implants used for breast augmentation. They are otherwise known as form stable cohesive gel implants and have been used for breast enhancement for years in Europe and South America, before recently receiving FDA approval in the U.S.  These implants were developed with two goals in mind: 1)

What are Gummy Bear Breast Implants? Read More »

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