I receive several emails per day from interesting patients with good questions. I always respond personally to these e-mails. I have decided to add a new feature to my blog, including some of these questions and answers. Easy for me because I am answering the question anyway and hopefully helpful to other patients who may have similar questions.
Patient question:
Hello Dr. Yates, I am interested in having breast reduction surgery. But as most probably are, I am very nervous about surgical procedures. I have read over and over again how this surgery works and feel comfortable with the information i have gathered. I have a lot of lower back and neck pain. And I really just want to improve my quality of life. I am currently overweight but am losing weight as I have changed the way I eat, and exercise. What are the chances that as I lose weight, my breasts will become smaller? Would it be better to wait and see after i have lost more weight? I also enjoy running and doing active things, but cannot because my breasts just get in the way. They have been large throughout all my teenage years and have stopped me from doing so many things that I have wanted to do. Please Help! Thank you!
Dr. Yates reply:
Your breasts certainly may get smaller with weight loss, everyone is different. If your experience is that they fluctuate in size significantly with weight changes then there is a good chance that they will get smaller and you should wait. For many individuals with large breasts, the size and weight of the breasts keep them from exercising and loosing weight. This may be a good reason to proceed sooner if you feel you fit into this category.