Is there such a thing as too big when choosing breast implants?
In this first blog of 2022, let’s consider this point.
Implant sizes are up
There is no doubt that women today are choosing larger implant sizes. For instance, two decades ago, the typical implant volume was less than 300 cubic centimeters (ccs). Today, it’s rare when a patient opts to have implants smaller than 300 ccs, with implant sizes common in the 400 to 450 cc range. It’s not unusual for a patient to choose 500 cc implants.
What’s behind the increase?
- Advice from friends — Often the advice from friends is to go bigger so that the patient won’t be disappointed afterwards. This can come from women who have had augmentation, are now fully accustomed to their larger breasts, and now wonder if they should have gone bigger.
- Fashion and media — There’s no denying the influences of social media, fashion, and other sources on the Internet. This has certainly fueled the rise in demand for Brazilian butt lifts, and it surely creates a push for larger implant sizes.
- Technology and empowerment — Up until just over a decade ago, women typically decided on their implant size through consultation with their surgeon. Today, Vectra 3D imaging can give the patient a realistic image of what she will look like with any implant size. Bra sizers also allow a very precise idea of what different sized implants will look like. The patient can make the decision with this information alone, not necessarily needing the consultation of the surgeon.
But can you go too big?
So, can implant sizes be too large? The answer, of course, is completely individual. What would appear perfectly sized to one woman could be akin to “porn star” size to another. During your consultation with Dr. Yates, the two of you work together to match your implant choice to your frame size, height, and other criteria. He offers guidance, but the final decision is always yours and yours alone.
But there are some considerations to make when it comes to choosing very large implant sizes. Size itself can be arbitrary. For instance, a 350 cc implant could be too large for a very petite woman, but not large enough for a very tall women with a broad chest.
Still, when considering implant size, be sure to consider at least two things, proportion and the physical constraints posed.
- Proportion — Dr. Yates stresses the importance of proportion. Your enhanced breasts should be in proportion with the rest of your figure. For most patients, this represents a full C or D cup. Going larger than that can create a sense of disproportion in your overall figure.
- Consider the physical constraints — Dr. Yates performs many breast reduction surgeries. One of the main reasons for these procedures is that the patient is tired of her overly large natural breasts getting in the way of all sorts of activities, from running to playing sports to participating in a Zumba class. You need to consider the impact very large implants can have on your lifestyle and your body. The weight itself can lead to sagging of the breasts.
Bottom line here? Every woman is unique. We all have different wants and goals with our bodies. If you come to Dr. Yates for breast augmentation surgery, as a team we will do our best to help you choose implants that look great both today and tomorrow, and that fit into your lifestyle.
Interested in a consultation for breast augmentation? Call us at Dr. Yates, (801) 525-8741 to schedule your appointment.