Emsculpt Yourself to a Slimmer 2022

With Surgical Lines on her Body Before Beauty Operation.We all know squats are a tried-and-true exercise to tone and strengthen leg and buttocks muscle and burn fat. The same can be said of crunches for the abdomen. What if you could do 20,000 squats or crunches in a 30-minute session?

Good luck with that.

But you can with Emsculpt at Dr. Yates’s practice. Emsculpt is a great, non-invasive treatment that helps patients who are already in good shape to get the higher degree of sculpting and muscle toning that is just out of reach with regular exercise. Emsculpt uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology to induce powerful muscle contractions…far more than a person could create on their own. These contractions strengthen, tone, and firm the abdomen, buttocks, upper arms, and other areas for completely natural, non-invasive body contouring.

Who is a candidate for Emsculpt?

These treatments at our offices on 1700 West in Layton aren’t intended for people who never do any exercise at all — patients should be in relatively good shape and seek a toned improvement in muscle size and definition. Emsculpt is intended for patients with a BMI of 25 or less. People with implanted devices, such as pacemakers, are not candidates as the electromagnetic energy can interfere with the device.

What is an Emsculpt session like?

When you come to our beautiful Layton offices, you lie on an examining table and we place either one or two Emsculpt panels onto your chosen treatment area. On the buttocks, we place one panel on each cheek; on the abdomen, we place them side by side or in the midline depending on your shape and size. The panels then deliver the high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy down into the treatment area. The magnetic energy creates what Emsculpt calls “supramaximal” muscle contraction. What is supramaximal? In 30 minutes, an Emsculpt session creates the same muscle contractions you would need to do 20,000 sit-ups to achieve. These muscle contractions build new muscle mass and tone the areas served by those muscles.

How many Emsculpt sessions will I need?

The recommended treatment time is four treatments within a 2-4-week period. Each session is 30 minutes.

What are the benefits of Emsculpt?

We’d all like to think we would do 20,000 sit-ups or squats. But how about doing them in just 30 minutes. Talk about a serious muscle-building workout. That’s Emsculpt. Some would say it’s “cheating” to strengthen and define your muscles on your abdomen, arms, or calves with Emsculpt. Or to lift your bottom without surgical enhancement. Really? It sounds like a great way to use your time. Thirty minutes of Emsculpt equals countless hours at the gym. At Dr. Yates’s, our Emsculpt patients gladly take that tradeoff in time spent.

Emsculpt is FDA-approved, safe, doesn’t require any recovery, and is painless. It’s a great way to tone and sculpt areas of your body.

Interested in more tone for 2022? Emsculpt could be your best friend of the New Year. Call Dr. Yates at (801) 525-8741 to schedule a consultation.

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