Breast lifts are not fully understood by most patients. Most people understand the goal is to lift the breasts, hence the name of the procedure, but details can get a little sketchy. Do they make the breasts larger? Do they make the breasts smaller? Where are the scars? Will I lose sensation?
Since Dr. Yates performs breast lifts to address flattening and sagging breasts for many patients from across the Salt Lake Valley, he’s very experienced with these procedures. Let’s get you a little more expertise by answering some questions in this Valentine-ish blog of February.
Breast lift or breast augmentation?
The goals of these two surgeries with Dr. Yates are different. Some women assume you can simply place breast implants to overcome sagging and loose skin. While implants can reverse mild sagging and return volume to the upper breast area that is more prone to flattening, they cannot reverse extensive sagging. That’s the job of a breast lift.
There is also some misunderstanding about breast lifts. The goal of a breast lift is to return the breasts to their former, higher position on the chest. To do this, Dr. Yates removes excess sagging skin, reshapes the breast tissue, and usually moves the areolae to compensate for the removed sagging tissue. Breast lifts do not add volume to the breasts. Because the breasts are brought back up on the chest, there is less mass at the bottom of the breasts, which can even dictate a smaller cup size in the bra. This doesn’t mean the lifted breasts are smaller, just that their mass is now more evenly distributed rather than much of the mass in the bottom of the sagging breasts.
So, lift or augmentation, which is the way to go? If you have minimal sagging and would like to add volume and shape to your breasts, augmentation is the answer. If you have flattened breasts and a fair amount of sagging, a breast lift is the answer. However, if you want to lift the breasts and gain volume, then you should have a breast lift with implants.
Can a breast lift and breast augmentation be performed in the same surgical session?
Yes. Adding implants to a breast lift is a simple extension of this surgery. Dr. Yates can use the incisions he has made for your breast lift to place your implants. This eliminates the need for extra incisions. It’s as if adding the implants is just an add-on to the lift procedure. Plus, you only have a single recovery, rather than two.
Is it possible to breastfeed after a breast lift?
Patients opting to have a breast lift ideally should have made the decision that they are not interested in having additional children. That’s because the breast size gain and loss of pregnancy, along with the volume loss due to breastfeeding, will negate alot of the benefits you received from the breast lift in the first place. Plus, there is a chance your weight gain will distort your incision scars.
OK, but things happen, even if they weren’t planned for. In those cases, there may be some disruption of your milk glands with a breast lift. This is because the nipple/areola complex is usually moved.
Do you have more questions about breast lifts? Would you like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Yates? Call us at (801) 525-8741.