How to Prepare for a Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck Salt Lake City. UTWhether you have always wanted a tummy tuck or if you just finished having kids and want to do a tummy tuck in conjunction with a mommy makeover, you can expect to see life-changing results. Before you come into our office for surgery, Dr. York Yates has a few things for you to do to prepare.

Come In for a Consultation

The first thing that you will have to do before you can come in for surgery is to be evaluated during a consultation. Dring your brief consultation, Dr. Yates will do a brief evaluation and look at your medical history to make sure that you’re a good candidate for a tummy tuck. The consultation fee of $100 will be applied to your surgical costs.

Stop Smoking

If you currently smoke or are a tobacco user, Dr. Yates will encourage you to quit smoking about two weeks prior to your surgery. You may not know this, but smoking can actually decrease your body’s ability to heal itself afterward. If you need some help quitting smoking, contact our office and we will point you in the right direction.

Avoid Certain Medications

Another thing that you should avoid before your tummy tuck is taking certain medications. For instance, Aspirin may increase bleeding and cause you to bruise more easily. Similarly, certain herbal supplements like St John’s wort may cause similar side effects. Before you come in for surgery, we discuss your health and any medications that could affect the procedure. 

If you are interested in learning a little bit more about how to prepare for a tummy tuck, contact our Layton office today and call us at 801.525.8741.

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