3 Tummy Tuck Follow Up Tips

Getting a tummy tuck is an exciting and seemingly life changing surgery— not only are you helping to get your tighter stomach back but if you are opting to get liposuction with the procedure as well, then you can expect to look at a slimmer looking you. However, once you have properly healed from surgery and your surgeon gives you the go ahead to get back to daily life, it’s important to stay on a healthier track in order to ensure that your tummy tuck results last longer.

tummy tuckYes, it’s okay to indulge in the occasional cheeseburger and milkshake from your favorite fast food restaurant, however, it’s important to eat as healthy of a diet as possible throughout the week. A healthy diet will not only aid in good heart health but it will also help ensure that your stomach stays taut and that you don’t gain any of that weight back. Look for a diet that is rich in lean protein, fruits and vegetables, lots of water, and whole grains. Remember that although it might be hard to get into better eating habits at first, it will get easier and become second nature over time.

As soon as you get the go ahead from your doctor to start working out again, take advantage of this and slowly get back into or start a good workout routine. Exercise is another great way to keep off any extra pounds and maintain your slender after tummy tuck appearance. When starting out, try to hit the gym at least 3 times a week and then work up to 5 times. Combine both cardio and weight training in order to take care of every part of your body.

Think Positive
If you have a bad week or a bad month where you don’t exercise as much or where your diet falls by the wayside, don’t beat yourself up about it— this will only make things worse. Instead, try to think positively and ensure yourself that you will get back on track in no time. Remember that negative thinking is a silent killer, whereas positive thinking will help you reach your goals.

To learn more about tummy tucks or to schedule an appointment to meet with Dr. Yates, contact our office today!

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