I am often asked how long the results of plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery last. This is very procedure specific with some procedures only lasting a couple of months while others last a lifetime. Some procedures give a patient a significant benefit for the rest of their life although the results may be diminished over time.
Procedures with results that generally last a lifetime with little change over time:
- Rhinoplasty
- Otoplasty
Procedures with benefits that last a lifetime but changes can be expected over time:
- Breast augmentation – implants can fail over time requiring replacement (most commonly from 10 – 20 years).
- Breast reduction – Breasts remain lifted relative to where they would be otherwise but time and gravity do not stop.
- Breast lift- see breast reduction
- Facelift- Face remains improved relative to what it would have been but time and gravity do not stop
- Liposuction – The fat removed is gone for good but additional weight gain can lead to loss of some of the improvement
- Tummy tuck – there is generally very little change over time outside of weight gain and pregnancy
- Eyelid surgery – The aging process doesn’t stop
Procedures that are expected to loose results with time:
- Botox – about 4-6 months
- Soft tissue fillers – 6 months to 2 years depending on which filler is used and the location
Other than the procedures that are designed to last only a few months, basically all plastic surgery procedures have very long term results. Because of this, it is extremely important that patients choose their plastic surgeon very carefully.