It Helps With Sagging
If you breastfed your babies or you recently lost a lot of weight, you may have lost a lot of elasticity in your breasts— causing them to hang lower than before. With a combination of a breast lift and a breast augmentation, you will not only get perkier breasts, but they will sit higher on your chest as well.
You’ll Get Better Results
Even though most of our patients leave our office feeling 100% satisfied with their results, nothing would be quite as disappointing as getting a breast augmentation only to hope that they sat a little higher. To help you get the best results possible, a combination of procedures may be the best way to go.
There’s One Recovery
One of the greatest benefits of doing both of these procedures at once is that although you are getting two procedures done, you only have one recovery to worry about— which is a lot easier on your body and health overall.
Having perkier, fuller breasts can be achieved with a combination of procedures at our office. During your initial breast augmentation consultation, Dr. York Yates will go over all of your options with you to ensure that you get the best results possible. If you would like to learn more about these procedures or to schedule a consultation, contact Dr. York Yates today!