What is Liposuction of the neck?
Liposuction of the double chin and liposuction of the neck is very effective. The neck beneath the chin is a concave surface. The “slack” of the excess skin of the neck can be taken up due to the unique concave shape of the neck.
Who is the Best Candidate for Neck Liposuction?
The liposuction procedure is intended to sculpt a part of the body via the mechanical removal of fat cells. It makes sense, then, to assume that the best candidates for liposuction of the neck are people who have excess fatty tissue in this localized area. This is one of two general characteristics that Dr. Yates evaluates to confirm the merit of this procedure. The other characteristic that he will examine is the condition of your skin.
Liposuction removes the volume beneath the skin by eliminating excess fat cells. In order to avoid noticeable skin laxity, it’s important that your skin have sufficient elasticity to retract after your neck liposuction procedure. Otherwise, there is a risk of going from having a double chin to having a “turkey neck” appearance. During your consultation, you can expect a thorough evaluation of the important factors related to your surgical outcome. If your skin is loose or doesn’t show signs of good “bounce,” you may be a better candidate for liposuction with a neck lift.
What Can I Expect During Neck Liposuction Recovery?
You may be advised to have someone escort you to your neck liposuction procedure so you do not have to drive yourself home. When your minor surgery is complete, the team may apply a gentle compression garment around the chin and head. You may be advised to wear this garment at least several hours a day for approximately one week after your procedure. Compression helps resolve swelling and bruising more quickly and can also help you remain more comfortable post-surgery.
- While recovering from neck liposuction, you may benefit from:
- Sleeping in a reclined position
- Placing a cold compress on the surgical area for 10 to 20 minutes at a time
- Refrain from bending over
- Avoid strenuous physical activity
- Take prescription or approved over-the-counter medication as directed
Is CoolSculpting a Better Option than Neck Liposuction?
We’re fortunate to have nonsurgical alternatives to liposuction surgery. CoolSculpting is one of the most popular and well-known body sculpting procedures. As such, many people do choose to go that route. The question isn’t whether or not CoolSculpting is better, though. Liposuction and CoolSculpting both achieve clinically significant results and both have a high safety rating. The primary difference is the aggressiveness of results. Liposuction is more aggressive but has downtime, and surgical risk
Undergoing neck liposuction, you can expect some soreness, swelling, and bruising that lasts up to one week. Usually, after that point, the surgical side effects are sufficiently resolved to return to work and light activities. You may have minor swelling that lingers for up to a few months, but this is so subtle that it doesn’t detract from your cosmetic improvements. If you receive CoolSculpting, you might experience some tingling, soreness, tenderness, and mild swelling. Your double-chin will gradually subside as your body metabolizes the unwanted fat cells. Also, you may need to return to the office for one or more subsequent treatments to fully eliminate submental fullness. You don’t need to take time off work or other activities with CoolSculpting but you will need to be a bit more patient as you anticipate your rewarding cosmetic improvements.
How is Liposuction of the neck performed?
The skin in the neck is quite thin. Small diameter cannulas should be used to treat both the deep fat and the superficial fat associated with the skin. One very small incision beneath the chin and possibly two more beneath the angle of the jaw are used for liposuction of the chin. The excess fat is suctioned to define the neck and jaw-line.
What should I expect after Double Chin or Neck Liposuction?
It is extremely important to wear a compression garment to help encourage skin reshaping. The garment should be worn day and night for at least a week followed by as much as possible for 3 weeks after surgery.
What kind of anesthesia is used for Neck Liposuction?
Liposuction in the neck area generally requires very little sedation. It is easy to get very good local anesthesia in this area.
What alternatives are there to Liposuction for the double chin?
CoolSculpting is an incredible option for patients with minor issues who would prefer a nonsurgical option.