Help Your Skin From the Inside Out

Drink More WaterOne of the best ways that you can take the best care of your skin is to treat it from the inside out. And although things such as Botox and facelifts will give your skin a more youthful looking approach when done by Dr. York Yates, it’s also important that you are doing everything you can on the inside to help nourish your skin on the outside. From drinking more water to detoxing, this article will discuss a few of the easy things you can do everyday that will help your skin. Read on to learn more.

Drink More Water
As soon as your skin becomes dehydrated it will start to crack and show signs of aging— enter the fine lines and wrinkles you try so hard to avoid. So although you may need that morning cup of coffee, consider changing the rest of your beverages throughout the day to water. Water will not only help you to feel better all around, but drinking more water will also help your skin to stay more hydrated and youthful.

Try Detoxing
Your body can build up toxins from things that you drink, eat, and breathe. In order to clean your body and help clear your skin up as well, try doing a detox every 4-6 months. By cleansing your body of things such as fats, oils, sugars, and preservatives, you can help to clean your body up from the inside out.

As another fast and easy way to detoxify your body, consider doing a small detox everyday by adding some lemon to your water. Lemon works to help your body get rid of any impurities that may be causing you to feel sick or that may even be causing your skin to breakout.

Dr. York Yates can help you to feel and look better on the outside, but only you can really work to help you feel better on the inside. By taking care of your body, you will notice extreme changes in the health of your skin. To learn more about how you can get healthier looking skin, contact Dr. York yates today!

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