To lose weight, there is still no better course than the combination of dieting and exercising done in a healthy pace and moderate fashion. One needs to have discipline and consistency so that the above strategy will work. To be on safer side, one may consult a professional fitness expert or a dietitian first.
Liposuction surgery is the best option when the problem involves removal of unwanted fat in particular regions of the body, including the abdomen, neck, thighs, and arms. Compared to fad diets, lipo is more effective in eliminating or reducing the amount of fat in problematic areas of the body. After all, liposuction is intended primarily to suction out hard to remove body fat, compared to a crash diet which is designed to reduce merely the body weight.
In Utah, board-certified Dr. York Yates is highly regarded for his consistently successful liposuction operations. His lipo surgery Utah practice is trademarked for being personalized to each given patient. Dr. Yates is also known for his innovative approach to lipoplasty. For instance, he has mastered the power-assisted lipo, which is basically a liposuction with minimal risks and cost and maximum effect.
For more detailed info on liposuction procedure, schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Yates by calling (801) 525-8741 or by filling out this contact form.
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