Breast cancer affects thousands of women’s lives each day. Pushing through chemotherapy and radiation can be taxing on your emotional well-being, as well as your physical body. With the ups and downs of diagnosis and treatment, it’s nice to finally be done with everything. If you’ve recently undergone a mastectomy or lumpectomy, breast reconstruction surgery might be the key you are looking for to look and feel like yourself again.
Breast Reconstruction Surgery
There are two main types of breast reconstruction surgery: autologous breast reconstruction and implant breast reconstruction.
1.Autologous Breast Reconstruction
This type of surgery involves using your body’s own fat cells in order to create a breast mound with the patient’s own tissues. Although a fairly lengthy and time consuming procedure, autologous breast reconstruction will help to give your breast the same appearance and texture as your other breast, because it uses your own tissue, skin, and fat cells.
2. Implant Breast Reconstruction
This type of surgery can be done in either one or two stages. However, the two step stage is typically preferred by doctors. During the first stage, a pectoral expander will be placed under the skin in order to help create a breast mound. After about 3-6 months, the expander will be removed and the breast implant will be placed there instead.
How Much Does It Cost?
Fortunately these types of surgeries are covered under most insurance plans, so you will only have to meet your deductible. Contact your insurance agency today to make sure that both procedures are covered under your plan.
Gaining your confidence after undergoing either a mastectomy or lumpectomy can be a challenge. However, by undergoing breast reconstruction surgery, you can get back to feeling like you again in no time. Whether you opt for an autologous or implant based breast reconstruction surgery, consult with your doctor in regards to the best option available to you.
To learn more or to schedule an appointment, contact us today!