Choosing to undergo breast enhancement surgery and actually taking the plunge to go under the knife are two very different things. Once you have undergone surgery, it’s important now more than ever to take precautions in order to ensure that you recover not only quickly but in a way that will help guarantee you get the best results possible. Here are three tips to help you recover quickly from breast enhancement surgery.
- Avoid Heavy Lifting
Yes, it might sound like an unnecessary precaution that your doctor is suggesting in order to make sure you don’t pull any stitches, but avoiding heavy lifting will help to ensure that you heal faster in the long run. Because heavy lifting causes strain not only on the muscles around your breasts but on your back as well, this can deter your body from having the ability to heal quickly and it can cause extra swelling to occur. If you need to get that extra box on the top shelf, ask a family member or friend to help you get it down because the repercussions just aren’t worth it in the long run. - Wear Your Support Bra
The support bra that your doctor gives you after surgery isn’t just a tool to make you look less than flattering in front of your significant other. In fact, this support bra is designed to not only hold your breasts in place but the area around your breasts as well. Make sure that you wear this support bra for the allotted amount of time your doctor recommends as it will help you recover quicker from your surgery. - Take the Proper Medication
Yes your doctor will prescribe you medication in order to help take the edge off due to the pain caused by your surgery, but the medication is also used to help eliminate any swelling or possible infections that might occur. If your doctor suggests that you take an allotted dose for an allotted amount of time, adhere to these suggestions in order to help with your recovery.
To learn more about breast enhancement surgery and recovery, contact us today!