Have you avoided wearing sleeveless shirts because of dangling upper arm fat? Are you uncomfortable with your upper arms or wish they looked better in sundresses and sleeveless shirts? Both men and women can suffer from sagging skin in the upper arm that won’t go away no matter how much you exercise. An arm lift procedure can help you obtain the sleek arm profile you desire.
What Causes Upper Arm Sag?
While being overweight is the largest contributor to developing excess hanging flesh under the arms, age, as well as genetics, play a role, as does rapid weight loss. It can be frustrating to work hard at getting fit and losing weight only to have fat and loose skin hanging from your arms.
Am I a Good Candidate for Arm Lift Surgery?
The ideal candidate has excess skin and fat in the upper arms out of proportion to the rest of their body. The most effective way to repair upper arm sag is with arm lift surgery, also called brachioplasty. If you are in reasonably good health, a nonsmoker, and have stubborn pockets of fat or loose skin under your arms, you are a good candidate for arm lift surgery.Â
How Is Arm Lift Surgery Performed?
Arm lift surgery will improve the shape of the upper arms. An incision will be made from your arm pit to just above the elbow, and the loose skin and fat will be removed. The scar will be hidden on the inside of your arm and only visible if you are raising your arms up. If you have no loose skin, it’s possible you can have just liposuction to remove the fat.
Summer bodies are made in winter. Dr. York Yates provides excellence in arm lift surgery to patients in Layton, Salt Lake City, and surrounding areas. To learn more about arm lift surgery or to schedule a consultation, contact Dr. Yates today! Fill out our contact form or give us a call at (801) 525-8741.